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Guided Tours
Thank you for visiting the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials.

KIMM has been hosting a regular tour program for both the youth and adults.
Through the tour, we offer a chance to visit ‘WISE FARM’, an environment-friendly high-efficiency urban smart farming facility,
or to assemble a DIY fidget spinner using the ‘KIMM Science Kit’.


Guided Tour

Time, Target Audience, Program, How to Register, Others
Time ∙ 10:00 AM every Thursday
Target Audience ∙ A group of minimum 10 to maximum 30 (Please contact separately for an individual tour application)

- The program is intended for age 6 and above.

Program ∙ KIMM Promotional Video (10 min.)
∙ Tour of the Exhibition Hall (20 min.)
∙ Tour Activity (20 min.)

- (Young children (age 6~8)/Any other desired applicants) WISE FARM
- (Elementary/Junior high students) DIY Fidget Spinner 'Science Kit'

How to Register ∙ In order to register for a tour, call +82-42-868-7269 or write an email to hongbo@kimm.re.kr to discuss the possible schedules.
∙ All applicants needs to submit a full list of visitors and a mobile contact information via email a week before their visit.
Notice ∙ In case of any schedule changes, please notify us beforehand.
※ Please understand that all tour schedules may be shifted or cancelled due to internal circumstances of KIMM.
Contact Us Dept. of External Relations, KIMM
Tel. ) +82-42-868-7269, E-mail ) hongbo@kimm.re.kr
Others COVID-19 Notice
Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, please note that all tour programs are temporarily suspended until further notice.
We will notify through this website once the program opens up again.
We ask for your understanding in this matter.